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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Preventive Care and Health Maintenance
Page: 4

Question 16# Print Question

A 45-year-old G3P3 presents for her yearly examination. She last saw a doctor 7 years ago after she had her last child. She had three vaginal deliveries, the last of which was complicated by gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. She has not been sexually active in the past year. She once had an abnormal Pap smear for which she underwent cryotherapy. Her cycles are every 35 days and last for 7 days. She describes the flow as heavy for the first 2 days and occasionally passes blood clots the size of quarters. She reports no medical problems. Her family history is significant for coronary artery disease in her dad at the age of 65 years and a maternal aunt who developed ovarian cancer at the age of 67 years. She is normotensive, and her breast and pelvic examinations are normal.

Along with a Pap smear, mammogram, fasting glucose, and lipid profile, what other screening test is recommended for this patient?

A. CA-125
B. Hemoglobin level
C. Hepatitis C
D. Thyroid stimulating hormone
E. Urinalysis

Question 17# Print Question

A 30-year-woman presents to your office because she is afraid of developing ovarian cancer. Her 70-year-old grandmother recently died from ovarian cancer, and she is upset and tearful. You discuss with her the risk factors and prevention strategies for ovarian cancer.

Which of the following can decrease a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer?

A. Use of combination oral contraceptive therapy
B. Menopause after the age of 55 years
C. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
D. Nulliparity
E. Ovulation induction medications

Question 18# Print Question

A 42-year-old G4P3104 presents for her well-woman examination. She has had three vaginal deliveries and one cesarean delivery for breech presentation. She states her cycles are regular and reports no history of sexually transmitted infections. Currently she and her husband use condoms, but they dislike the hassle of a coital-dependent method. She is interested in a more effective contraception because they do not want any more children. She reports occasional migraine headaches, and had a serious allergic reaction to anesthesia as a child when she underwent a tonsillectomy. She drinks and smokes socially. She weighs 78 kg, and her blood pressure is 142/89 mm Hg. During her office visit, you counsel the patient at length regarding birth control methods.

Which of the following is the most appropriate contraceptive method for this patient?

A. Intrauterine device
B. Laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation
C. Combination oral contraceptives
D. Diaphragm
E. Transdermal patch

Question 19# Print Question

A 55-year-old Caucasian G2P2 presents for her well-woman examination. She had two uneventful vaginal deliveries. Her last menstrual period was 2 years ago. She has occasional night sweats, but they are not bothersome. Her medical history is significant for hypothyroidism, which is well controlled on medication. She does not take any other medicines. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Her family history is significant for stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. On examination she is a pleasant female, stands 5 ft 6 in tall, and weighs 115 lbs. Her blood pressure is 130/72 mm Hg, pulse 70 beats per minute, respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute, and temperature 37°C (98.4°F). Her breast, lung, cardiac, abdomen, and pelvic examinations are normal.

Which of the following aspects of her history would be an indication to order bone mineral density screening?

A. She has been in menopause for 2 years
B. She weighs 115 pounds
C. She is Caucasian
D. She has a family history of diabetes
E. She does not meet criteria for bone mineral density screening

Question 20# Print Question

A 32-year-old woman presents for her yearly examination. She has been smoking one pack of cigarettes a day for the past 12 years. She wants to stop, and you make some recommendations to her.

Which of the following is true regarding smoking cessation in women?

A. Ninety percent of those who stop smoking relapse within 3 months
B. Nicotine replacement in the form of chewing gum or transdermal patches has not been shown to be effective in smoking cessation programs
C. Smokers do not benefit from repeated warnings from their doctor to stop smoking
D. Stopping cold turkey is the only way to successfully achieve smoking cessation
E. No matter how long one has been smoking, smoking cessation appears to improve the health of the lungs

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Preventive Care and Health Maintenance
Page: 4 of 4